Кошмарная история жестокой мести: Хазел Бронски работая на строительной площадке в результате аварии получает паралич нижних конечностей, отчасти виновным в аварии становиться главный архитектор Давид Бриан. Спустя много лет Бронски появляется в доме Бриана, скрывая свое прошлое, устраивается работать садовником и начинает присматривать за маленькой дочкой Бриана с единственной целью превратить их жизни в ад и отомстить.
Thriller about a psycho looking for revenge. Bronsky is a paraplegic because of an accident at a construction site that was partly due to the head architect, David Briand. Many years after the accident, Bronsky shows up at Briand's residence with his family and his trailer looking for assistance. He and his wife insinuate themselves into the household without revealing their true identity. They start to work for Briand and his wife Elaine as a gardener and a babysitter with the sole objective of wreaking havoc on their lives and avenging Bronsky's disabilities.
Режиссер: Джоэль Сантони / Joël Santoni.
В ролях: Nicole Garcia, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Dominique Lavanant, Jean-Pierre Bisson, Etienne Chicot, Jean-Pierre Malo, Marshall Titus, Cerise Leclerc, Céline Vauge, Christine Laurent.
Франция, Швейцария, 1986.
Download Смерть в дождливое воскресенье / Mort un dimanche de pluie.
Thriller about a psycho looking for revenge. Bronsky is a paraplegic because of an accident at a construction site that was partly due to the head architect, David Briand. Many years after the accident, Bronsky shows up at Briand's residence with his family and his trailer looking for assistance. He and his wife insinuate themselves into the household without revealing their true identity. They start to work for Briand and his wife Elaine as a gardener and a babysitter with the sole objective of wreaking havoc on their lives and avenging Bronsky's disabilities.
Режиссер: Джоэль Сантони / Joël Santoni.
В ролях: Nicole Garcia, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Dominique Lavanant, Jean-Pierre Bisson, Etienne Chicot, Jean-Pierre Malo, Marshall Titus, Cerise Leclerc, Céline Vauge, Christine Laurent.
Франция, Швейцария, 1986.
Download Смерть в дождливое воскресенье / Mort un dimanche de pluie.
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Смерть в дождливое воскресенье / Mort un dimanche de pluie. |
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