Истинная история народа Wayana, французские индейцы Амазонии, которые прокляты жить в регионе, богатом золотом. Следовательно, неконтролируемое использование этого богатства привели к резкому ухудшению экосистемы леса, необратимого загрязнения потоков, а также бесчисленных нарушений основных прав человека. Этот фильм не только показывает отчаяние индейцев, но и их осведомленности о проблеме и как они пытаются справиться с их выживанием.Документальный фильм, который дает человеческое лицо современной трагедии, которая касается нас всех.
The true story of the Wayana people, French Indians of Amazonia who are cursed by living in a region rich in gold. Consequently, the uncontrolled exploitation of this wealth has brought about a severe deterioration of the forest's ecosystem, the irreversible pollution of streams, as well as countless violations of fundamental human rights. This film not only shows the despair of the Amerindians but also their awareness of the problem and how they are trying to cope with their survival. A documentary which gives a human face to a contemporary tragedy which concerns all of us.
Режиссёр: Daniel Schweizer / Даниель Швайцер.
Switzerland, 2009.
Download Грязный рай / Dirty Paradise.
The true story of the Wayana people, French Indians of Amazonia who are cursed by living in a region rich in gold. Consequently, the uncontrolled exploitation of this wealth has brought about a severe deterioration of the forest's ecosystem, the irreversible pollution of streams, as well as countless violations of fundamental human rights. This film not only shows the despair of the Amerindians but also their awareness of the problem and how they are trying to cope with their survival. A documentary which gives a human face to a contemporary tragedy which concerns all of us.
Режиссёр: Daniel Schweizer / Даниель Швайцер.
Switzerland, 2009.
Download Грязный рай / Dirty Paradise.
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Грязный рай / Dirty Paradise. |
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