Хочется думать, режиссер вложил в этот фильм собственные воспоминания о своей юности, чувства и осколки старого довоенного мира. Наверное, это один из лучших чешских фильмов, снятых в период нормализации в 70-е, а может и вообще один из лучших, снятых в Чехии.
The action takes place in 1930 and told through the eyes of 16-year-old boy Qaida, who grew up in the Zizkov district of Prague. Here he lost his mother and stayed with his older brother Pepe and father. Here he hooligans with Žižkov youth gangs, then learned to love adult woman cabaret girl and fell in love ... PajuI would like to think the director has put into this movie's own memories of his youth, feelings and fragments of the old pre-war world. This is probably one of the best Czech films made during the period of normalization in the 70s, and maybe even one of the best shot in the Czech Republic.
Режиссёр: Карел Кахиня / Karel Kachyna.
В ролях: Michal Dlouhý, David Vlcek, Лукаш Вакулик / Lukás Vaculík, Злата Адамовска / Zlata Adamovská, Jan Hrusínský.
Чехословакия, 1979.
Download Любовь между каплями дождя / Lasky mezi kapkami deste.1979.
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Любовь между каплями дождя / Lasky mezi kapkami deste.1979. |
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