Мальчик влюбляется в девочку, чьи родители - бандиты. Сможет ли первая любовь противостоять жестокости и насилию окружающего мира?
Nacho, a boy of 13 years, crosses the threshold of adolescence trying to find his place in life in the wrong places: a dysfunctional family and social environment corrupt and violent. Shipping and despised by his family, Nacho takes refuge dancing tecnodance machine and hanging out with the Cacayo, a moron than 27 years dedicated to copy pirated movies. Until she falls for Mayra, angelic girl, whose only flaw is the daughter of La Diabla, leader of traveling, and sister Chiquibuki a gangstercito. Purity Can love survive extreme close murkier faces of our corporation?
Режиссер: Карлос Куарон / Carlos Cuarón.
В ролях: César Kancino, Эктор Хименес / Héctor Jiménez, Вероника Фалькон / Veronica Falcón, Палома Арредондо / Paloma Arredondo, Кристиан Феррер / Kristian Ferrer, Энрике Арреола / Enrique Arreola, Даниэла Арсе / Daniela Arce, Бернардо Терронс / Bernardo Terrones.
Mexico, 2013.
Download Сахарные поцелуи / Besos de Azucar. 2013:
Nacho, a boy of 13 years, crosses the threshold of adolescence trying to find his place in life in the wrong places: a dysfunctional family and social environment corrupt and violent. Shipping and despised by his family, Nacho takes refuge dancing tecnodance machine and hanging out with the Cacayo, a moron than 27 years dedicated to copy pirated movies. Until she falls for Mayra, angelic girl, whose only flaw is the daughter of La Diabla, leader of traveling, and sister Chiquibuki a gangstercito. Purity Can love survive extreme close murkier faces of our corporation?
Режиссер: Карлос Куарон / Carlos Cuarón.
В ролях: César Kancino, Эктор Хименес / Héctor Jiménez, Вероника Фалькон / Veronica Falcón, Палома Арредондо / Paloma Arredondo, Кристиан Феррер / Kristian Ferrer, Энрике Арреола / Enrique Arreola, Даниэла Арсе / Daniela Arce, Бернардо Терронс / Bernardo Terrones.
Mexico, 2013.
Download Сахарные поцелуи / Besos de Azucar. 2013:
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Сахарные поцелуи / Besos de Azucar. |
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