Пако и Нора и их дети ведут постоянную полукочевую жизнь. Их идеал – быть подальше от цивилизованного и коррумпированного общества и жить в окружении природы и таких же, как они, людей. Однако, однажды Норe все это надоедает. Она забирает детей и отправляется к матери, собираясь получить опеку над тремя сыновьями. Но, пользуясь своим влиянием на младших сыновей, Пако убеждает их совершить побег из того "цивилизованного мира", в мир дикой природы. Побег, длиною в одиннадцать лет…
Paco and Nora once were an ideally matched couple. Both loved nature, nomadic or semi-nomadic life and agreed to raise their children far from the corruption of the consumer society. But Nora, unlike Paco, grew tired of such a lifestyle and left Paco taking their children with her. Paco would not accept what he considered a betrayal, all the more since Nora had obtained custody of the children. Taking advantage of his access to his children, Paco took flight with his two sons, Tsali and Okyesa. Their escape was to last an amazing eleven years...
Режиссёр: Седрик Кан / Cédric Kahn.
В ролях: David Gastou, Sofiane Neveu, Tara-Jay Bangalter, Матьё Кассовиц / Mathieu Kassovitz, Селин Саллетт / Céline Sallette, Romain Depret, Jules Ritmanic, Jenna Thiam, Amandine Dugas, Michaël Dichter, Brigitte Sy, Olivier Granier, Dominique Bes, Julien Thiou, Judith Simon.
Франция, 2014.
Download Дикая жизнь / Vie sauvage / Wild Life.
Paco and Nora once were an ideally matched couple. Both loved nature, nomadic or semi-nomadic life and agreed to raise their children far from the corruption of the consumer society. But Nora, unlike Paco, grew tired of such a lifestyle and left Paco taking their children with her. Paco would not accept what he considered a betrayal, all the more since Nora had obtained custody of the children. Taking advantage of his access to his children, Paco took flight with his two sons, Tsali and Okyesa. Their escape was to last an amazing eleven years...
Режиссёр: Седрик Кан / Cédric Kahn.
В ролях: David Gastou, Sofiane Neveu, Tara-Jay Bangalter, Матьё Кассовиц / Mathieu Kassovitz, Селин Саллетт / Céline Sallette, Romain Depret, Jules Ritmanic, Jenna Thiam, Amandine Dugas, Michaël Dichter, Brigitte Sy, Olivier Granier, Dominique Bes, Julien Thiou, Judith Simon.
Франция, 2014.
Download Дикая жизнь / Vie sauvage / Wild Life.
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Дикая жизнь / Vie sauvage / Wild Life. |
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