Фабьен вырос на юге Франции, но там у его отца нет работы, и они вынуждены переехать на север. В новой школе деревенские манеры Фабьена становятся предметом насмешек даже среди учителей. Местные мальчишки издеваются над ним и обзывают "цыганом". Он заводит дружбу с настоящими цыганами и начитает в полной мере понимать, что такое расизм.
Fabien's father must go where the work is; he is an unskilled laborer, and work isn't always nearby. Fabien (Mathias Leny) grew up mostly in the south of France, but now he must move with his father to the colder climes of the north. There, his countrified southern ways make him the subject of ridicule even by his teachers, and as an outsider, he is a natural object for bullying by the boys. As a form of abuse, they call in "gypsy." It is evident that this is a form of racism. However, when he becomes friends with some actual gypsies, he discovers what racism is in far more depth.
Режиссер: Доминик Ладож / Dominique Ladoge
В ролях: Матиас Лени / Mathias Leny, Патрик Фьерри / Patrick Fierry, Александра Вандернот / Alexandra Vandernoot, Жан-Пьер Биссон / Jean-Pierre Bisson.
France, 1992.
Download Плывущие по земле / Comme un bateau, la mer en moins.
Fabien's father must go where the work is; he is an unskilled laborer, and work isn't always nearby. Fabien (Mathias Leny) grew up mostly in the south of France, but now he must move with his father to the colder climes of the north. There, his countrified southern ways make him the subject of ridicule even by his teachers, and as an outsider, he is a natural object for bullying by the boys. As a form of abuse, they call in "gypsy." It is evident that this is a form of racism. However, when he becomes friends with some actual gypsies, he discovers what racism is in far more depth.
Режиссер: Доминик Ладож / Dominique Ladoge
В ролях: Матиас Лени / Mathias Leny, Патрик Фьерри / Patrick Fierry, Александра Вандернот / Alexandra Vandernoot, Жан-Пьер Биссон / Jean-Pierre Bisson.
France, 1992.
Download Плывущие по земле / Comme un bateau, la mer en moins.
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