Episodes from entire military history of Portugal are told through flashbacks as a professorish soldier recounts them while marching through a Portuguese African colony in 1973. He easily draws his comrades into philosophical musings, and the little contingent suffers badly at the hands of the local military opposition.
Режиссёр: Manoel de Oliveira / Мануэль де Оливейра.
В ролях: Luís Miguel Cintra, Diogo Dória, Miguel Guilherme, Luís Lucas, Carlos Gomes, António S. Lopes, Mateus Lorena, Lola Forner, Raúl Fraire, Ruy de Carvalho, Teresa Menezes.
Португалия, Испания, Франция, 1990.
Язык: португальский, без перевода.
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